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Showing posts from June, 2017

Is Wonder Woman the Saviour of the DC Cinematic Universe?

I'm gonna start this on an honest note, I expected Wonder Woman to be a complete flop, no two ways about. However, I'm glad to say that I was utterly wrong. Completely WRONG! And I'm actually happy about that. This movie was extremely good work seeing as how DC's movies over the last few years proved to be a disappointment for fans everywhere, but, like it or not, a true fan is a true fan. We were rooting for an amazing comeback from DC and I was happy that it was the queen of the DC Universe that made it possible.  A blog review will come out on this sooner or later, but for now let's just silently pray that Justice League isn't a complete flop. I'm rooting for you Justice League. Leave comments down below on whether or not you liked the movie. Until next time, bye!